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Legal Sources


The most important and most valuable sources for ancestral research are the church registers (registers). In these baptisms, marriages and deaths were recorded by the religious communities over centuries, which can be used to trace the ancestry. In 1939, the civil status record was transferred to the newly created civil status authorities (registry offices). All data that happened after 1919 (births) or after 1939 (marriages and deaths) must be requested from the parish offices or the registry offices.


To bring history to life, there are a number of other sources, such as parish registers, land registers, land registers, land registers, newspaper archives, military registers, grave searches, state and federal archives.



Power of attorney

Due to the legal provisions, the various institutions require authorization from you for our research in certain cases. The power of attorney is required if an essential date of a direct previous procedure is unknown, if this is within the statutory blocking period and for

the research requires a corresponding query.

Therefore, we ask you to grant power of attorney right at the start of our activity, which you will find in the internal download area after registration and approval. Please fill in and sign it, scan it and upload it to your personal document folder. If you choose a research interview, we will have the document prepared for you to sign with us during the interview.




Information on civil status data is regulated in Austria by the Civil Status Act. Section 52 (1) of the PStG 2013 stipulates that only

Persons to whom the entry relates as well as other persons whose civil status is affected by the entry AND persons who substantiate a legal interest have the right to information about civil status data and basic documents.


Due to these regulations, not all registers are available for genealogical research. The restrictions according to § 52 Abs. 1 PStG 2013 apply according to § 52 Abs. 5 PStG 2013 after the following deadlines have expired:


100 years after registration of the birth , unless the registration concerns a living person

75 years since the marriage was registered , unless the entry concerns a living person

30 years since death was recorded


If, in the context of genealogical research, there are cases in which there is a restriction under the Civil Status Act, it must be ensured that only the persons entitled under Section 52 (1) PStG (persons concerned, spouses, direct ancestors and descendants, no siblings or other relatives) ) Receive information. In these cases a power of attorney is required for further research.



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